South Africa’s leading online marketplace for party and event planning

We send new customers to businesses like yours every day. Now we'd like to do the same for your business.

Watch the video or scroll down to find out more.

Why claim your Business Listing?

MORE PROFITfor your business
GROW FASTERwith our marketplace
MORE CUSTOMERSfor your business
PROMOTEyour brand online
BE SEENby your target audience
GET TARGETEDleads, contacts and clicks
JUMP AHEADof your competitors
BE PART OFa growing community
TRUSTEDby 50.000+ businesses

Your Business Listing on PartiesAndCelebrations is and will always be free.

Website statistics

35,000+leads, contacts & clicks sent each year
40,000+yearly visitors
40,000+businesses listed

How does it work?

Claim your Free Business ListingIt's quick and simple.
Complete your business detailsUpdate your contact details, write a description and add images of your business.
Add events and special offersIncrease your exposure and attract more customers.
Receive leads, contacts and clicksVisitors will see your business on PartiesAndCelebrations and contact you directly.

Claim your Business Listing to start receiving

BUSINESS CONTACTSstraight to your inbox
PHONE CALLSto your business
CLICKSto your business website
SPECIAL OFFER CLAIMSstraight to your inbox
EVENT SIGN UPSstraight to your inbox

I don't want my business listed on PartiesAndCelebrations

Please remove my business from your site and stop sending me emails.